Pay attention to the price. Too low value can indicate that before you fake. In order to produce a bottle of wine, you need to spend money on wine (grapes), for its processing, to further spill the wine, storage and transportation, etc. That is the final price of the bottle cannot be low. If it is cheap, it's likely made by the powder method.
Color, odor, taste should not be too pronounced and sharp. Bright colors, strong smell are signs that wine has impurities and additives. Or it is made from poor quality grapes. The most commonly counterfeited semisweet, dessert, fortified wines. But dry often natural, as their counterfeiting difficult and unprofitable.
You can check the naturalness of the wine in the following way. Fill a glass with water, and the flask or bottle, pour a drink. Tightly clamp the neck of the bottle with your finger, turn upside down and immerse the vessel in water. When he will completely be under water, remove your finger. If the wine is mixed with water, then before you fake. Make sure to include many colors, sweeteners and other substances. Natural wine is lighter than water, so mixing will not occur.
Pour in the wine a little glycerin. If the drink is natural, glycerin sink to the bottom of the glass will remain transparent. If you fake, then it turns reddish and yellow tones.
Look for buying to packaging. If it does not indicate that the wine is natural, this drink is not worth taking. In addition, the bottle of natural wine must indicate the year of harvest (up to five years aged up to three years is fine). Do not buy wine in boxes. These wines are most often counterfeited, because the use of glass containers significantly increases the cost of the wine, i.e., producers are not profitable to use a bottle. And the best place to buy wine in special wine shops and boutiques, where the risk to buy a fake less, and also there are special conditions for storage of this wonderful drink.