You will need
  • banana peels;
  • -lettuce;
  • -bleach;
  • -battery 9-12 V;
  • -wires;
  • -copper wire:
  • -fish-predators: macropodus ordinary, tetragon and others.
From snails can be removed in several ways. Large snails, such as ampulyarii, you can gather with your hands and transfer to another aquarium. Hatchlings of these snails is also fairly large, and laying eggs under the cover glass of the aquarium. Masonry, like raspberries, is above water. Remove it and discard.
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Snails can catch the bait. As bait, use banana peels and lettuce. Put the bait on the bottom of the aquarium. When the snails will gather the bait, they are removed together with the peel or sheets. This procedure should be done several times at intervals of 3-4 days, to remove not only large snails, but newly hatched from the eggs. In this case, fish and plants from the aquarium to remove optional.
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There is an electric method of removing snails. Take 2 stranded copper wire. One side of the strip ends in the form of panicles 3-5 cm. the Other ends connect to the battery with a voltage of 9-12 V. Dip the stripped ends in the opposite sides of the aquarium for 2-3 minutes. Snails die. This method, although quick, has its drawbacks. First, many plants do not tolerate copper ions and can die. Second, it is not known how this procedure affects the fish, though some aquarists argue that it's harmless. Thirdly, the dead snails will still have to remove from the tank manually. Decompose, they will spoil the water.
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Radical method of dealing with snails is that from the aquarium, you remove all fish and plants. Plants destroy. Completely replace the soil or boil it, then rinsed. Aquarium disinfect with bleach, rinse thoroughly and dry. Again, fill the tank with water. This method can only be used in small aquariums, where he quickly established biological balance and no valuable plants.
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The most effective and environmentally friendly method of dealing with snails is biological. Put in infected snails in the aquarium their natural enemies. This hungry adults makropody, large cichlids. Better than others cope with this task specialized molluscoid — tetradonta. The eggs of snails are very good to destroy ancistrus. Pair spawning cichlasomas or ACAR completely kills all the snails in the 100-liter tank for 2 days.
кормление аквариумных улиток