Whiteheads do not have holes. So you need to ensure that the skin over the acne to burst. To do this, take iodine and lubricate them corn Buntings. In the morning apply on the acne camphor or salicylic alcohol. Repeat the procedure daily until until the skin burst. As soon as the acne comes out, remove it gently and treat the affected area salicylic alcohol.
You can remove corn Buntings with the help of baking soda. Lather the face and in circular motions RUB into blackhead baking soda. This procedure will cause irritation on the skin, which will take a couple days. At the same time disappear corn Buntings. However, if you have sensitive skin, this method will not work.
Get rid of corn Buntings helps tomato. Wipe problem areas with a tomato, then apply tomato slices on the acne. Will take a few days, and you will get rid of acne.
Corn Buntings are quickly removed with a needle. You will need to take a very thin needle and disinfect it. Then wash your hands and wipe them with alcohol. Now you can start to remove. Needle carefully lift the skin over the acne, nadorite the surface layer, and cut out the Bunting. After the procedure, you will appear bloody allocation. Treat it with alcohol.
With a large number of corn Buntings will help you exfoliating mask. Take a glass or ceramic dish and pour into it powder concoctions, adding a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Stir until smooth and apply on face for 25 minutes. You may feel a tingling or burning. Don't worry, because the powder contains tiny needles of silica, which, penetrating into the upper layer of the skin, irritate the skin and promote circulation. To remove the mask use warm water. After the procedure you will have redness and flaking. After a few days it will be over and whiteheads will be gone.
There are also beauty rooms to remove corn Buntings use laser correction, cleansing, galvanic current, ultrasound and vacuum cleaning.