You will need
- hydrogen peroxide;
- - Zelenka;
- - the bandage;
- - sterile gauze swab;
- - plantain leaf;
- - a band-aid.
Cut finger you need to raise it so its level was higher than the level of the heart. In the presence in the wound of foreign bodies, e.g. glass fragments, as soon as possible will remove them. Take gauze and soak it in hydrogen peroxide can help to clean the wound and avoid infection.
The edges of the wound treated with brilliant green. Directly on the wound apply sterile gauze pad, gently press it to your finger. Hold the tampon with two fingers of the left hand, begin to bandage his right hand, using extensive medical bandage, at least – a piece of pure white cloth from natural material. Application technique vintovoi bandage should ensure reliable fixation of gauze swab. If blood continues to ooze, you should apply another layer of dressing.
To stop the blood from the finger for cuts of small depth is possible without the use of dressings. Very well, if you get fresh plantain leaves should be washed and applied to the wound. The bleeding stops quickly, the wound will most likely be delayed.
Blood from minor wounds and abrasions stop within a few minutes:
Blood from minor wounds and abrasions stop within a few minutes:
If the wound from dirt, you should rinse it and treated with antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide solution furatsilina, iodine or alcohol. Cover the wound with a sterile gauze or a cotton swab, if necessary, change the swab several times. You can apply a bandage if the pain does not disappear for a long time, and in order not to injure the wound once again.
After the blood is stopped, the edges of the wound should pull together using adhesive tape: best suited bactericidal. If the cut is very deep and the blood won't stop, you should immediately go the hospital for professional medical assistance.