In different regions the procedure of obtaining quotes can vary, but most of the steps on the design direction on high-tech treatment is the same for residents of all regions.
Contact the clinic at the place of residence or place of work (depending on where you are observed). The cardiologist will prescribe a detailed survey, the results of which must prove the need for treatment using sophisticated medical technology.
After passing the examination the doctor will prepare the discharge summary, which will contain objective data about your condition. Reassure her by the main doctor of the medical institution. Then medical documentation must be sent to the chief cardiologist of the Ministry of health.
In most of the regions review of the documents takes place without the participation of the patient. But in some cases you may be invited for a consultation with the chief specialist of the Department of health.
After reviewing the documents the chief cardiologist should provide an opinion, which will substantiate the need for high-tech medical care.
The Commission of the Department of health should review your documents and in the case of a positive decision to prepare a referral for your treatment in a specialized medical institution.
Treatment together with medical documents transmitted to the clinic in which you plan to operate on you. The trial usually takes about 10 days, after which the facility must give you a date of admission. If the clinic is a great place to conduct high-tech treatment, you are put in a so-called waiting list.
The final answer about the date and place of operations you can get from the physician after 3 weeks after submission. In the case that the solution will be ready sooner, you will be contacted and informed about it.