For any business required initial capital. If you don't have one, take a loan or a Bank loan. You should not panic afraid of loans, because even in a crisis women tend to be beautiful. That is why the business will pay off and will bring you dividends. When the financial problem is solved, proceed to the further implementation of plan for opening a nail Studio.
For Studio be sure to select a place that a woman simply could not pass up. It might be a large shopping center. The best option would be city centre, full of various boutiques. Therefore, there is a high probability that after the next purchase, she will look to you for a manicure.
With regard to the lease of the premises, the price may be different, depending on the location of the room, its parameters and repair. When choosing pay attention to the area. It should not be small, because only one job will take at least ten square meters. For equipment three nail places, choose a space area of not less than thirty square meters. And more, plus a utility room that needs to be isolated.
If the room you already have, you need to obtain permission for his intended use. To do this, go to the SES and the fire service. Tip: don't neglect the small details because they can play with you a malicious joke.
Further decorate the room equipment, purchase all equipment. This is one of the most important factors. The equipment should be comfortable and high-tech, and should be incorporated into the design of the interior. For the nail Studio, buy quality nail table lamp for building, comfortable chairs for the clients and the master. You also need these accessories to nail Polish as nail polishes, hand cream, nail tips, acrylic and so on.
The success of your Studio – professional masters. Their salary is a percentage of the work performed. Nail Studio will pay for itself and start to generate income about a year and a half. You can then think about expanding the business.