The easiest and most affordable way to make their songs known to a wider circle of people – the Internet. Almost all large radiostations now have their own websites where you can find special sections devoted to the work of radiolisteners. Post them on your song very simply and quickly. Of course, you have to pre-record in good quality, and then go to the website, register and upload your own track.
In addition, there are sites for different groups-lovers, where you can also post your song. In search of new talents such sites are frequently viewed by different producers, which can offer you assistance.
But you can go the other way. On radiostations now popular shares when the listeners are offered on a competitive basis, to send in their works, after the vote, the best of them get on the air. To find out about these promotions just – just listen to the radio, about such contests misleading on various radiostations almost every month. Stock information can also be found on the Internet or by calling a radiostation.
To break into the world of famous musicians and promote their song on the radio you can just speaking with her on any events. First, you'll notice people who are connected with the work at radiostations, and perhaps they will offer you their help. Secondly, many people today are becoming known because of their work like others, so their performance is filmed and put online. The heroes of the most popular videos manage to become famous, to draw attention to their works, and a radiostation are interested in how to twist a popular song.I wish to become known to many young people, but not all of them are really talented authors, composers and performers. If you are sure that your songs are really good and want to hear a lot of people, try your hand and submit their works on any radiostation. Perhaps your music will appeal to listeners and you will become a famous singer.