You will need
    • saucepan or steamer;
    • glass jar for canning
    • the measuring Cup;
    • gauze:
    • one Cup of rice;
    • a half Cup of koji
    • a half Cup of water;
    • one teaspoon lime or lemon juice;
    • half spoon of baking yeast.
To achieve the best final taste of the sake, you need to leave for the night lay Fig. After the rice absorbs the water, you can directly start cooking. The best option would be to cook steamed rice, but you are free to do so in ways that are more familiar to you. Since the taste of sake is much better if it ferments longer, try the rice to cook longer because it will contribute to a longer fermentation due to the hardening of the walls of beans.
After the rice has cooled, move it either in a jar or bottle, depending on where you have to wander to the future of sake — smooth as you can. However, before this action, the future capacity that will wander you receive the product should be properly sterilized, because the more precisely from its purity depends on the taste and quality of your sake.
Now you need to add each of the remaining ingredients in the jar and tightly close the lid, then shake well and move everything inside. Store the jars or bottles should be in a cool dark place, daily to gently shake them, slightly opening the lid to receive the necessary gas exchange. After a few days it will be obvious that the sake is fermented. This point will be characterized by small bubbles rising to the top of the tank. By the third week of this "idling" the whole process is complete, bubbles cease to appear, and at the bottom will become visible sediment.
After that you need to strain the already finished sake through cheesecloth. In this case wait until from the tank will not flow out all the liquid. And the sediment at the bottom of the bottle or jar can be used as a marinade for fish.
If you want to use are all made of sake for a month, then you can just fill bottles zagotovlen liquid and put into the refrigerator. If you have no such purpose, the sake must be sterilized at a temperature of 60°C for ten minutes. In the end, the sake become turbid and white, however if you need transparency, place it in the refrigerator and allow it to settle.
Cooked sake will have 15-20% of the fortress, but if this percentage is too "strong" for you, then you can add in a bottle of one teaspoon of sugar.