You will need
- pieces of ice, cold water to wet the animal's coat and drink. In exceptional cases: an antihistamine (diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, promethazine, etc.), diphenhydramine injection, medical syringe, half aspirin.
To bring the temperature down on the neck and inner thighs dogs urgently need to put ice or cold water to wet her hair. Give the animal the opportunity to quench their thirst with cool water, assuring her drink in small portions. To give yourself the pills or doing the dog the injection is undesirable. It is urgent to bring a pet to the animal clinic.

But there are times when in the clinic the dog cannot be delivered and is already clearly seen that without the help of a human, the animal will die, and the physical measures of temperature reduction do not bring the desired result. Then the only one way out: to take a risk and to reduce the temperature of your pet on your own. You need to take an antihistamine (diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, promethazine, etc.), crumble it into powder and together with a drink to give to his dog. This will help to bring the temperature down and prevent the development of allergic reactions. If the dog turns from water, need an injection of diphenhydramine in the inner thighs (you must follow the attached instructions for dosage).

Give your pet half a tablet of aspirin (if the dog's weight 30 kg).

To enhance the body resistance of the dog to infection enter the injection of adjuvants (e.g., catosal, which can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy).

After that you should give the dog lightly salted water. To whet the appetite of the animal, give him a favorite food. Provide your pet complete rest and place in a warm dry room. And in the near future, as soon as there is opportunity, show the dog to the vet.

Manifestations of critical States are characterized by pronounced shortness of breath (sometimes with wheezing), palpitations, rhythm disturbances of heart contractions, often with animal loss of consciousness, convulsions, or violations of coordination of movements, lack of urination, the appearance of acetone breath, yellowing of the conjunctiva of the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth, diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding from intestines, and hematomas (hemorrhages in the skin). If you noticed one of these complications, the urgent need to bring the temperature down to the dog and soon to deliver her to the vet, because delay can lead to fatal consequences.
Useful advice
To pet was less inclined to infections, feed your dog only balanced food, vaccinate on time. Also regularly antihelmintic and treatment against external parasites.