You will need
  • A computer running the operating system, Internet access, a text editor (e.g. AkelPad)
To determine the encoding of the text you can use in several ways. One of them is a special online services are, by definition, encoded in the Internet. For example, go to the website the special field paste the "unreadable" text and click "Decode".
Try to detect the encoding automatically by using a text editor. The fact is that many text editors (e.g. AkelPad) can automatically recognize the encoding of the "unreadable" text. To do this, click the top menu "Encoding" - "set the encoding" or press ALT+F5 (in a text editor AkelPad).
You can still try to detect the encoding manually. To do this in a text editor, select the menu item "Encoding", then "Open as ...". Most often it will be ANSI, UTF-8, KOI-R. Try to choose a few.
To problems with encoding again, configure e-mail client, ICQ client and browser with the correct encoding. To do this, go to settings, select "Encoding" and write back in Latin letters win1251.