You will need
- A modern browser. Access to the Internet.
Use the information from databases whois to establish the owner of the domain. Make queries to the whois databases, using online services of official organizations such as ICANN, RIPN, or services of the domain registrars. Use the request form located at: to search for information on domainx in most gTLD zone or the form located at to view information about a domainx in the zone .EN. If you need to regularly request information from whois about a significant number of domains, download and install the free software Domain Name Analyzer, which is available at It can also be useful to obtain information from whois databases, which is not provided for the web interface. Making requests to the whois, be prepared for the fact that for many domains the owner information will be hidden with the option privacy protection. In this case, try to set the owner using the procedure described in the following steps.
Use the information service to obtain the email address of the administrator of the domain in the zone .EN. Service stores data only on the newly registered domain, and only on a domainx in the zone .EN. But it can be very useful if the current information in the whois database is hidden.
Use the information from the site pointed to by domain. Domain information you want to obtain, can be delegated. Perhaps he addresses the current site. Explore the website addressed by the domain, to retrieve any contacts that will enable us to reach the owner of the domain.
Use the saved copies of pages of the sites ever adresovana domain, to obtain the contacts of its possible owner. Use the search form of service located at to get a list of saved pages, grouped by date. Explore the contents pages to obtain the contacts of the owner of the domain.
Make an attempt to contact the owner of the domain via email. Send letters to most common email addresses used for administrative contacts. This may be the ' webmaster@scriptdomain, admin@scriptdomain, postmaster@scriptdomain. Perhaps any of them are really used.
Use search engines to find mentions of the domain and its owner and search of email addresses domain. Produce a "script's domain" and "@scriptdomain" to the search engines. Quotes in the query, define a fragment that should be represented by an exact entry in the results. If there are any email addresses in the domain, write them letters asking to provide information about the owner of the domain.
There is no guarantee of a successful result when you search for the domain owner. If the owner wants to remain anonymous, receiving information about him from open sources may be impossible.
Useful advice
Use the information from the database to the IANA is located at for more addresses of whois servers for any zone.