When purchasing products in the store, pay attention to packaging. If the product is involved in a lottery, there must be placed an advertising slogan and the conditions of the giveaway. Most likely, you will have to purchase a few items of the product in order to participate in the lottery. Of course, lucky not for everyone. But maybe you will be among the lucky ones or win any prize.

The second option to win a free ticket to participate in the TV quiz, for example, "Field of dreams". In order to get you invited to the game, make a crossword puzzle and send it to the following address of the program. Don't be lazy and come up with an original puzzle. You can embroider a crossword puzzle onto fabric, to burn on wood or woven wire. The more interesting your will be done hack, the sooner you will be invited to transfer. Don't forget to write a thoughtful, detailed cover letter and indicate there what you will be able to surprise the audience.
Another option to win a ticket - purchase lottery tickets. Sometimes the draw takes place to travel, but you can often get the money. Here, you will also help the happy occasion. To guess what the ticket will be an overseas trip or a sufficient amount of money in advance in any way possible.

If you're determined to win a ticket, think again carefully. It may happen that the purchase of the products involved in the lottery, purchase of lottery tickets and other costs will significantly exceed the value of the infamous trip. It may be easier to contact the tour operator to pick up "burning" the ticket and go on vacation almost half the price?