You will need
  • the total amount of remuneration (wages, awards, bonuses, allowances), total amount of working time, the number of employees.
The calculation of the Fund's salaries and fees is the most important criteria when planning onfees of employees, as it expresses the total amount of the financial assets of the company, so in order to clearly define the structure youfee of funds, you should select several types of funds onthe Board of the labour monthly, which you can calculate by summing the daily overall performance of the Fund aboutthe fees of labour with additional payments associated with a non-working and holidays, which also include vacation, sick leave and severance pay.
Day represents the summation of the time of the Fund's salaries and fees and surcharges that are associated with vnutrismennyh breaks;- time, to calculate it, you need to determine the tariff Fund,Board funds, namely, what salary is received by the employee in accordance with a certain rate, and sum of additional payments for time worked, which include night shift and bonus incentives.
In the analysis, planning and forecasting future performance of the funds in salaries and fees it is important to calculate the indices and regulatory factors monthly, daily and hourly wages boards:- to determine the wages per employee of your company in an average month, use the total Fund feescharged for the month and divide by the average number of all employees.
The average daily wage. To calculate this type offee your employees, you can divide the daily Fundfee labour time worked.If you expect average hourly wages, then the total time on the FoundationBoard of the labor divide by hours worked.