Pick a photo in which you want to change the background. It is best to choose a high-quality image with a large figure in the foreground – in this case, the end result will look much better. Try to avoid photos with very fine details – for example, to make this effect on a photo where the girl badly disheveled hair, it will be quite difficult.
How to make a cloudy background
Now launch Adobe Photoshop and open the photo with which you will work. In this photo the background is a little blurred, we will intensify the effect.
How to make a cloudy background
Now select in the toolbar the tool 'Pen tool' ("Pen"). On the top bar select the icon of the pen on the box.
How to make a cloudy background
Using a pen, placing the contour points, circle the figure that is in the foreground. In our case it is the figure of a girl and flower, in addition, we take the leaves off the front. Try to trace accurately, not "slicing" the image details. All that will remain from us for a loop, and will be a blurred background. If you can not exactly trace the contour, it is better to capture more space than less – in the future it can be corrected. In the clothing business this would be called a seam.
How to make a cloudy background
Click on the picture, right-click and select 'Make selection' ("Make a selection"). Now your object is highlighted with a dotted line.
How to make a cloudy background
Select the top menu item 'Select' (Highlight), and then 'Inverse' ("Invert"). We have now selected the background, not the object.
How to make a cloudy background
Now in the top menu, select 'Filter' ("Filters") then 'Blur' ("Spot"), then 'Gaussian Blur' ("Blur Gaussian").
How to make a cloudy background
In the window that appears, set the desired value. In this case we will choose 20.
How to make a cloudy background
Then, if necessary, take the 'Blur tool' ("Blur") and a thin brush to further blur the borders around the object. Try not to capture the contour, so that the image was realistic.
How to make a cloudy background
Now save the image in the desired format.