To sell the gun through the shop need to pre-notify on the decision the bodies of internal Affairs (Department of LRR, in which the weapon is registered). LRR you will be given a notification form to which you want to apply for permission and document the gun (passport).
If there is no impediment to sales, you will be given a document that confirms this. It should definitely be present at the time the gun into the store.
To renew a gun on an individual must:
-buyer to apply to LRR at the place of residence for obtaining a license to purchase a certain type of weapon;
-buyer and seller of the weapons are in LRR, in which it is registered;
to a vendor in the LRR need to write the application for renewal of the gun to the purchaser, which shall provide a license.
The procedure of enforcement of hunting firearms with a rifled barrel you need to implement his control and shooting. Permission to control shooting must be received in the division of the LRR.
Requirements for the implementation of feature hunting knives not described in any normative-legal act. Therefore, when necessary renewal of such weapons, their owners are often faced with great difficulties. Because of this, there was a practice of transfer of hunting cold bladed weapons, in accordance with which the entry in the hunting ticket of the new owner of the knife is entered authorised person (the Chairman), the wildlife society and certified by signature and seal.