Brew tea you can water the soil before sowing seeds, it promotes the growth of plants. Potted plants can be watered with diluted tea brewing, and sleeping leaves pour into a pot is a good fertilizer.
The warm compress of welding are good for the eyes: they relieve fatigue, swelling, inflammation, smooth wrinkles, tone the skin of the eyelid, remove bags under the eyes. Drain the leaves in a container, dilute with water and use for washing. It tones the skin, giving it a brownish hue.
If sleep tea much, drain it and sprinkle in the carpet (the carpet need to clean with a vacuum cleaner). Then brush whisk the tea. He absorbs the remnants of the dust and freshen the color of the carpet.
Tea brewing can be painted on cotton and knit fabric to give them a brownish color. If things are a little faded, after washing, put them for 30 minutes in warm water with added tea.
Put weak tea in a soft cloth obtained swab wipe leather bags and leather goods.
Tea is very good help for athlete's foot. Boil it, and this solution lower leg. You can simply wipe clean your feet with a tea infusion and then wipe.
Tea is an excellent remedy for sunburn. Apply moist cool tea bags on the baked skin and keep for 15 minutes.