Diet for pancreatitis involves the following General principles of clinical nutrition. Eat 5-6 times a day, small portions. Do not allow overeating. To the mucous membrane of the stomach is not irritable, it is better to eat pureed foods. After all, the state of the stomach affects the state of all organs, including, and on the pancreas.

Prefer protein-rich foods, and fats and carbohydrates reduce. Avoid foods that have sokogonnym effect, do not use rough fiber, keeping to a diet for pancreatitis. If the disease is aggravated for 1-2 days (not more) starve.

What can you include in the menu for inflammation of the pancreas? Chicken or vegetable broths, soups, sparing the pancreas and stomach of the fish, and lean meat: steam meatballs, souffle and mashed potatoes.

Of flour products allowed to eat crackers, crackers, dried wheat or yesterday's bread. Eggs make scrambled eggs, also preferably steam. Not prohibited, milk, butter in small quantities, steamed vegetable dishes. Fruits – pears, apples - are best baked. Useful overlying mucosa of the stomach of jelly and jelly.

From cereals you can add rice, oats, buckwheat. Slow damage to the pancreas products containing soy – don't forget about them. Allowed pasta. Drinks useful broth hips, compote, green tea.

Now that the pancreatitis is forbidden to eat. Imposed a taboo on meat and fatty fish are rich broth of them, all fried, spicy, smoked. No sausages, canned food, and alcohol. Ice cream, as any others are too cold (and too hot) dishes, also eliminate from the diet.

The pain in lesions of the pancreas can cause sodas, coffee – abstain from them, as from some kinds of vegetables: radish, turnip, radish, cabbage, sorrel, spinach. Buns, fresh bread, millet is also banned.