The easiest and most convenient way to determine the sex of the unborn baby – ultrasound diagnostics. This method is most effective in the second trimester of pregnancy. By that time the fetus becomes large enough and movable, and often flips on the ultrasound procedure it is possible to see his genitals. Almost all experts agree that even with the most modern and accurate equipment to determine the identity of the child to a particular floor in this way will not be possible until the 15th week of pregnancy. But then, the smaller the period, the higher the probability of error.

In order to find out the sex of the embryo in the earliest terms of pregnancy, there are several invasive methods. This methods in which the DNA of the embryo takes genetic material directly from the uterus of a pregnant woman. It makes specialist under local anesthesia and under the control of ultrasound machines without touching to the fetus. But they are very dangerous and they should not be resorted to unless absolutely necessary.

At gestational age of 11-12 weeks to determine the sex of the foetus using chorionic villus sampling. During this procedure, the doctor using a thin needle pierces the abdomen of the patient to pick up a tiny amount of chorionic villi and find out chromosome set of the fetus. Conduct this procedure only for medical reasons in cases where there is a risk of having a baby with genetic disorders. For example, due to inherited abnormalities in the DNA of one of his parents. Her own doing in order to exclude chromosomal diseases such as down syndrome.

In the later stages the sex of the baby is determined by amniocentesis or cordocentesis. Amniocentesis is performed at 12-20 weeks. Cordocentesis after 20 weeks. Through a small puncture taken on the analysis of the amniotic fluid of the embryo in the first case and cord blood in the second. These methods guarantee results with accuracy of 99 %, but can increase the risk of miscarriage or infection of the fetus. Use them just to satisfy curiosity should not be. Better to wait and avoid unnecessary risks.