You will need
  • Information on the financial condition of the company, competitors, scope of the firm and the economy as a whole for the calculations of traditional insurance risk, commodity, financial, environmental, legal, etc.
Determine the goals you want to achieve in situations of risk – primary and secondary. They should be realistic and achievable. Even at this stage provides a preliminary assessment of the approximate degree of risk.
Appreciate the significance of the obtained results in the case of any outcome from the good to the bad. It is not necessary to seriously focus on risk secondary goals.
Try to determine the possibility of its influence on the upstream employees. Enhance your personal status can be achieved, expressing his opinion in matters in which you are familiar.
Examine the possibility of a compromise when dealing with their controversial and risky issues. Here it is worth to assess the influence of negative processes in your personal status: the loss of a job, trust or reputation. Whether they are advantages from the possible benefits.
The most important stage is to correctly define the time to start action or inaction. It is important to remember that almost all significant actions in business are always well thought out, and situations when you need a really immediate response is sufficiently small.
Assessments of the risk of a decision must consider their actions in any scenario. The degree of risk in the business reduces the presence of a previously developed replacement plans that will be easy to rebuild.