You will need
  • – passport;
  • – work book, unless it's a first job or part time job;
  • – insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
  • – military ID;
  • – the document on education.
The employment contract is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is handed to the employee, and the second remains in the organization and kept in his personal file. When you receive a second copy of the employment contractand the employee must put his signature at the instance of the employer.
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation the labour contract must be signed within 3 days from the time the employee will be allowed to work.
Before the employment contract will be signed by the employee, the employer is obliged to acquaint him under the signature with all the local documents, internal regulations and collective agreementom (if available) of the organization.
Upon signing the employment agreementand the employment issued by order, the contents of which shall correspond to the concluded labor agreement. Familiarization with the order confirmed by the personal signature of the employee. At the request of the employee, the employer shall issue to him a duly attested copy of the order on employment.
Basic data that should be specified in the employment contractwith the employer:
-name of organization or name of individual entrepreneur;
-the Charter, INN and OGRN of the organization;
-passport data and data on registration in the tax office of the individual entrepreneur;
-the document confirming powers of the employer on the signing of the employment contract (for example, the order on appointment of the Director General or the attorney).
Basic data that should be specified in the employment contractwith the employee:
-date of birth, passport details and registration address of the employee;
-place and date of signing labor contract;
-full name of the organization;
-duties with reference to staffing and work rules;
-the date on which the employee is obliged to commence their official duties. If this point is not included in the employment contractω, the employee should commence work on the day following the date of signing the employment contract;
-salary and premiums;
mode of the working day, rest time and conditions for the provision of annual leave;
-other working conditions, worsening the position of workers.
The employment contract may be concluded either indefinitely or for a specified period, that too should be spelled out in the contractE.