You will need
  • - the icon of Kazan mother of God,
  • icon of Jesus Christ.
After the bride the bride's parents and the young have to go to a separate room, where it will be held the ceremony of blessing.
The bride's parents should take a towel Kazan icon of the Mother of God, the image needs to be aimed at the young. The bride and groom have to kneel in front of the parents.
Parents say parting words daughter and baptize icon, then allowed to kiss the image. The same procedure is carried out with the groom.
After the wedding the couple moved to the groom's house, where they meet on the porch of the groom's parents. Holding icon of Jesus Christ, the groom's parents nakladyvat icon the banner of the cross is a symbol that the groom's parents accept the bride into their family.
Give kiss the icon of the bride and groom. After that, the icons are given to the young, where they are kept in the sacred corner of a talisman for this family.