The easiest way to call a short number of police 02. From any phone-free call.
Tell person on duty what happened, what's the exact location, whether there are victims requiring medical care and generally answer all the questions Manager. You will be informed that the call is accepted and the crew will arrive as soon as I can.
Wait employees of traffic police. Managers themselves will redirect your call to the closest employees of traffic police will record your call. This is the surest way to cause on a place of accident employees of traffic police. In the case of a minor accident with your car and in the absence of the affected people try to get out of the car, except if you want to put an emergency sign and immediately call to call center. Immediately copy the numbers of all vehicles involved, in case someone absconds from the scene of the accident. First call employees of traffic police , regardless of who of the participants of the accident at fault accident. Such actions might save you from reckless or criminal actions of other participants of the incident. In any case, do not move your car from the scene of the accident, as it were, and who would have not begged about it. Leaving the scene of an accident is punishable by a deprivation of up to a year and a half. The machine can budge only after the Protocol and all the actions performed on the recording of the accident by employees of traffic police. Good luck to all on the roads.
If you have no phone or network is not available, ask passing drivers or passers-by to call 02 and to tell us all the same, as described above. Phone 02 the surest way to cause on a place of accident employees of traffic police.