You will need
  • Diary, pen
To do this, it is necessary to be clear about what things are most important in your daily life, and what can be neglected. Prioritization will help you with your daily planning. Of course, it will take time, but the benefits of streamlining your business by far outweigh these temporary costs.
The first rule of planning: don't put off until tomorrow what you need to do today. If you are faced with a not too complex everyday task, do it immediately. Small necessary things tend to quickly accumulate and become a burden of cares.
Planning the execution of your tasks, link them to their place and time. A trip, a business meeting is quite possible to combine with a shopping trip if they are nearby.
Not solve issues before they arise. Prudence, of course, important, but sometimes it crosses the line. To deal with problems need only when they stand in front of you to his level and require resolution. Learn how to avoid turning a minor task in the Grand problems that require a powerful effort from your side.
Do not attempt to resolve all issues in one day. Sort tasks according to their degree of importance for themselves. A week has seven days and for each day there is a set of tasks.
Delegate authority to your loved ones. It is useless to try to do everything alone. Consult with family members and find out what part of your everyday worries they can take on. Remember that some business is better to do one big friendly team. In addition, such collaboration helps to strengthen relationships.
The rule is to plan on the evening of the previous day. Use a diary, which you are pleased to take up. You can mark the most important events for the days ahead, and then add things as they occur.
Use labeling importance. It may be exclamation points, the number of which will indicate the degree of importance of the event. Do not overdo it, three exclamation marks in a row is quite enough for such important things as utility bills.
Try to write each item of the plan as already done in the form of a perfective verb in the past tense: "I Bought a gift to her husband". This forms the image you have already made the case and should help in the implementation of scheduled events.
When the plan for the day created, will rate it again. Answer the question: when to begin and end your day that all planned work had been completed? Consider whether it is necessary to rearrange the order of the cases, reordering them according to importance.
Finish your day with a wrap-up. Control over the implementation of the plan should also be your habit. Soon you will notice that planning makes your life less hectic and more comfortable.