Stand up straight, hands lower along the body. On the inhale move your body weight on the left leg, right leg bend at the knee, grab foot with right hand. Pinch your knees together, heel right leg pull to the cheek. Hold the pose for 1 minute. Inhaling, release the right foot and return to starting position. Repeat the exercise on the left leg.
Stand up straight, feet on width of shoulders, hands lower along the body. Exhaling, the body weight transfer on the right leg fully sit on it, the entire right foot position on the floor. Left foot pull to the side, toe raise up and exactly for yourself. Hands interlock in a "lock" and pull ahead. Hold the pose for 1 – 2 minutes. Inhaling return to starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
Sit on the floor, legs pull in front of you, raise your hands above your head. Exhale lower the upper body to the legs. Drag down the chest, elongate your spine. Hold the pose for 2 minutes. Exhaling, lower your arms on the floor relax your back and round. After 1 minute the back straighten your arms over your head and inhale return to starting position.
Sit up straight, legs spread to the sides, hands in front of him. Exhale lower upper body to floor, keep back straight, bend forward chest. Hold the pose for 2 minutes. On the inhale straighten up.
Stand up straight, hands lower along the body. With the exhale, make lunge right foot forward, palms put on the floor around his feet. Left leg pull far back as possible, arms raise up over head. Hold the pose for 1 minute. Exhale, put your hands around right foot, then right foot move to the left, and, crossing hands, the feet, gradually rise. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.