Not in a hurry to sort things out with her husband and friends and "fuel the fire" another quarrel. Of course, if the friends of the husband with the stubbornness to break into your family life without warning, despite your plans and desires, it is hard to resist. However, look at the situation from the other side and summon all his intelligence, tact and cunning to turn the tide in the right direction.
Make friends with friends of her husband. After all, if they are friends, so there is some substantial reason. They should be pleasant to communicate and spend time. So make sure that. Do not wait for actions from the loved one. Alone invite them for dinner. Listen more and try to understand the motives of their communication.
From time to time pay to them attention. Let them know that you can support any conversation. Tactfully cover such General topics in which they will feel far from perfect. However, one should not look down on them. You will achieve more if you act with a smile and respect. In such a situation it is important to make it clear to his friends that you and your husband are now one, and they welcome guests at a pre-planned evening. Considerate, well-mannered people immediately understand everything and will stop pestering you for their unexpected visits.
If your husband's friends from childhood, humble. Years of friendship has left a significant imprint on the character of your spouse that affects your family relations. To break the link very difficult. It is important to learn to accept compromise solutions. For example, calmly talk to your husband and say that in addition to the friends he has and family. He needs to understand that loved ones also need his attention. Invite him to communicate with friends, for example, only on Fridays. So it will be possible, not afraid to plan different family activities, including on the weekend.
If unscheduled visits friends continue, go to more forceful action. Find out if this behavior buddies your spouse. The joint efforts of mark such a line of conduct of both the husband did not lose true friends and at the same time do not spoil family relationships. Tactful failures, establishing reasonable limits on the "evening reception", the transfer of a joint entertainment for the weekend – all these measures will help you to solve the current problem and ward off Intrusive friends of her husband.