You will need
  • - means for suede;
  • detergent;
  • - sponge;
  • brush;
  • - vinegar or ammonia.
View in-store specials skin care products that are designed specifically for cleaning natural or artificial suede. If the shoes have heavy dirt, remove them with a brush. Then apply the foam or spray, and when the liquid evaporates, walk again with the suede brush. Usually this method of cleaning helps to refresh the appearance of the product, and also to get rid of stains of salt and other contaminants.
If the dirt is persistent, swipe wet cleaning suede, or at least wash boots. Use neutral detergent that is rinsed easily with water. Wash the boots with a soft sponge. Try to prevent moisture getting into the product, and then dry the shoes, stuffed inside an old paper or Newspapers.
Remove stains from suede boots, you can with vinegar. Dilute the acid to about 9%. Soak in solution a rag and wipe the suede. As soon as the moisture dries, apply a remedy that restores the color. Is vinegar suitable, and a solution of ammonia, the optimum proportion is the ratio with water of 1:5.
To restore the appearance and texture of the suede and also to get rid of the salt stains you can use a couple. Put on the stove a wide pan, into which pour a liter of clean water. As soon as the liquid boils, hold the boots over the vapour moisture content of about 3-5 minutes – that is enough. Clean them with a brush, if necessary, apply the cream that suits the color of the product.
A few hours before going outside handle suede boots water repellent spray. It is desirable that it was colorless. To do it directly before going for a walk is impossible. Need to remedy is completely dry, otherwise boots will be to retain the snow that will lead to the soaking material.