Actual labour productivity is a measure that shows how many units were manufactured for some time. This figure is the inverse of the complexity. Value is calculated according to the formula: Pfact=Qfact/Tfact , where Pfact is the actual productivity, Qfact is the actual output, Tfact is actually wasted time. That is, to determine the figure, you need to know how many units were actually manufactured by the company. Then calculate the time staff spent for manufacture of this product. Then the first figure, divide by second. The resulting number will be the actual productivity.

For example. The employees worked in a month is 176 hours. During this time, they were made of 140 parts. It is necessary to determine actual performance. The problem is solved in one step. You need parts 352/176 hours = 2 parts per hour.
Cash performance is an indicator, which indicates how many units of products can be made on the equipment and at this time. When calculating this value all outages excluded from the work. Cash performance is calculated by the formula: Pcap=Qcap/Tcap , where Pcap – cash productivity, Qсар – the maximum possible production under the current conditions, TERS is the minimum amount of time required. First calculate the cash generation, I mean, imagine how many units of finished product can be produced in this equipment with the current conditions. After that, determine the minimum value of the time spent. Divide the cash generation from the cash complexity. The resulting number will be the productivity.

Score is calculated by the formula actual performance, but are only maximum values. For example, the company for the year of work has produced 10,000 parts. In the calculation included the period when the level of output reached the highest border, and the cost of living labor is the smallest.
Potential productivity shows how many units of products can be made in a theoretically achievable conditions. This takes into account all new technologies, e.g. new equipment, which is present on the market. The indicator is calculated by dividing the maximum possible number of products (using the best technology) to a value showing the minimum elapsed time. The indicator is calculated by the formula: Ppot=Qpot/Tpot , where Ppot is the potential productivity, Qpot – the maximum possible output using the latest equipment, Tpot is the minimum amount of time required.
In the calculation of this value should take into account various new technologies, for example, raw material, equipment, etc.
Performance can be measured in different indicators. For example, you can calculate it in terms of value (in rubles, for example), in labour, in kind (in units).