You will need
  • tutorial geometry;
  • paper and supplies for drawing.
Where were you when something is not understood. Something from geometry you know. Repeat definitions of geometric shapes and bodies. Almost every object, which deals with the science, there are some definitions that characterize certain properties of a figure or body. The more properties you will gather from the definitions, the better. For example, a circle can be considered as a line, all points of which are equally distant from any one. At the same time it limits the range, and in some theories it is considered a polygon with an infinite number of angles.
Start with a textbook of plane geometry. If you understand this part of geometry, the study of solid geometry will go much faster, since each geometric solid can be described using properties of geometric figures. For example, the cone obtained by rotation of the triangle around one of the sides, at the base of the pyramid is a polygon with the appropriate properties, etc.
Recall that that axiom. This is a statement that needs no proof. Each axiom is true in relation to any geometrical figure of this type, regardless of its size and position in space. Select a particular figure, find it and remember all on its axioms. They can be in different paragraphs of a textbook, but this is nothing serious.
Understand what a theorem is and what parts it consists. This provision, which requires proof. The theorem consists of two parts - conditions and a conclusion. In the first part a definition is given, in which case it is true that you undertake to prove. As proof used arguments based on axioms or proofs of already known theorems. That is why the theorem is better to study consistently.
Learn to build drawings. Not only will this help you to understand the simple theorem, but also activates the visual perception. Drawing in geometry generally schematic, without precise observance of the sizes, but still try to keep the ratio where possible. Geometry is so interesting that the conditions almost any task you can imagine visually.
You can help methods of teaching geometry, which is usually used by the teacher. From there you can learn the best ways to explore one or another material. You will learn and that all mathematical problems can be divided into several types. Understanding how to solve one task of a certain type, can be the same way to solve all the others, and this will considerably reduce the amount of material that you need to learn.