To insert disc into CD or DVD drive, click on the system unit or on the remote control Eject button (in translation from English – to throw, push). Put the disc on the left deck so that the side information has been turned down, once again press the Eject button or lightly push the deck towards the housing of the computer.
If you are unable to insert the disc, make sure the device is physically connected. In that case, if the loops are in the right sockets, and doubt the correctness of their installation does not occur, use "device Manager". Perhaps in the settings of CD/DVD-ROM to this equipment is set to "Off".
Press the Windows key or "start" button and open "control Panel". In the category "Performance and maintenance" icon, select "System". Another option: while on the desktop, click "My computer", right-click. In the context menu select "Properties". Also you can choose in the drop-down menu "device Manager" (the same thing can be done by contacting the component through the option "My computer" in the start menu).
If you have triggered the "System", navigate in the window that opens on the "Hardware tab" and click "device Manager" in the same group, will open the additional window. If you initially chose in the menu "device Manager", search window will be available immediately.
Find it in the list thread DVD and CD-ROM drives and expand it by clicking the " + " icon. Just right click on your device name for disk read and select menu item "Properties". In the properties window, click the General tab and using the drop-down list under "device usage" select "use This device (enabled)". Confirm your selection with the button OK and close the window.