If the apartment is in your property, the right to use your husband stops immediately after he officially ceases to be a member of the owner's family. Try to evict him from his apartment, not to pay utility bills for him. But to do this you can only be the case if he has another home. If he refused to participate in the privatization, when the rights to the municipal apartment passed in your property, you will not be able to evict or remove from registration.
For an apartmentowned by both former spouses, in accordance with article 210 of the Civil Code, they bear equal financial responsibility content. In that case, if the other owner refuses to spend money on maintenance of his property, to compel the former husband to pay for an apartment if you contact the court. You have a chance to get back part of the payment on utility bills equal to its share in the apartment. But keep in mind that the Statute of limitations limited to three years. Write petition and attach copy of payment receipts produced themselves fully.
To oblige the former husband to pay for an apartment, share a personal account. In this case, for non-payment of utility bills, he will be held personally responsible. File a claim with a request of the section of personal accounts in court. Ask the court to oblige the management company to allocate this expense your ex-husband, according to his share in the privatized apartment.
Former spouse continuing to live in residential premises under the contract of social hiring, under paragraph 4 of article 69 of the Housing code of the Russian Federation, is solely responsible for its obligations. The landlord or the tenant must conclude a separate agreement defining the procedure and amount of his participation in the costs of housing. In case of failure all issues under of liability are resolved through the courts.