You will need
  • - washing machine
  • level;
  • assistant.
Ideally, the floor under the washing machine must be concrete. On the wooden floor, the machine will strongly vibrate during the spin cycle and will quickly fail. If you have wooden floors, concrete floors, remove Board and fill a place under a washing machine with concrete to floor level.
Washing machine is equipped with four adjustable legs which are a screw connection with a support made of rubber or plastic. Twisting the prop clockwise, you reduce the height of the feet counterclockwise to lengthen it. It is not necessary to turn out the legs from the entire length, or adjust their level. Then the volume of the noise will be reduced, and the period of operation of the machine will increase.
You have perfectly aligned the floor under a washing machine? Remarkably, this is a much easier installation of the machine. Just tighten all legs as short as possible and put the car on a level floor.
Paul is not perfect? Use a level. Put it on the washing machine diagonally, so you'll understand how to adjust the leg. After leveling, place the level along the other diagonal. Twisting the legs, you will ensure smooth and stable position of your car.
Washing machine – thing is heavy. Call assistant, as it will keep the car at an angle, you will adjust the height of the legs. Work alone only when the area is large and there is free access to the machine from all sides.