Download from the manufacturer's website the latest drivers for the video card, motherboard and other devices. If you know what company you have the item, go to its web site in the Downloads section or Support and select your device type. In the description of the drivers on the website specifies their version, the operating system and the bitness of the system (64 or 32). Click on the appropriate link for Windows XP and download the installation package.
If you do not know the manufacturer of your components, press the right mouse button on the icon "My computer" and select "Manage". A console window opens in which select "device Manager". Double-click the left mouse button on the class of equipment, for example, "display Adapters" or "Sound devices" and note the name of the model.
Start your browser and open the page of any search engine. Type the name that you have memorized or copied from device Manager, find the official website of the manufacturer. Go to support, or Support and click the link to download the desired driver. Download the installer and run it by double-clicking. Repeat this operation for each of the parts, the driver which you want to update.
Another option — download the program Driver Genius and update your drivers via the Internet automatically. Open a browser and type the address You will be redirected to the website of the developer. Click on the Download button to download the installation file. Start by double-clicking the installation program and answer the wizard's questions. If you do not speak English, just click Next on all screens. Please note, this program paid.
There is a Russian analogue — a set of software Driver Pack Solution, the current version is number 12. It features a large installer size, but has a good archive of drivers for many different systems and is absolutely free. To download it, go to the website Click on one of the links to download the program.
Run selected and installed program. Double click on the shortcut DriverGenius or open the folder with Driver Pack Solution and activate the program file. The interface of both tools is very similar and immediately after startup starts a system scan. If it is detected that a new version for the driver button appears prompting you to update them via the Internet. Click this button, it's called FIX IT or "Update all" and wait for the end of the program.