Go to the main page of the search engine "Yandex". Next, locate the section "Money". It is in the category of "More" on the search line. You will see the start page "Yandex. Money." Click on the big orange icon on the "Open account".
In the box that appears, enter your username and password from the email. Then press "Enter". Please note that you must be registered in the system "Yandex", to use its services. In other words, the email address that you want to enter must be opened "Yandex".
Register a new mailbox, if you do not have email or do you use other systems, for example, Mail or Rambler. To do this in the window with the requirement to specify the mail click on "Register". Next, enter your first and last name, enter the login. It, by the way, you can choose from a list, which will be offered to you automatically. This will allow you to save some time, because it happens that the desired login name is already taken. Next, create a password, enter the secret code shown in the picture, and click "Register". Go back to the field in "Yandex. Money", where you had to specify a username and password and enter them.
If you wish to submit additional information about yourself or hit "Start using Yandex. Money." Next, think of the payment password. With it, you will carry out all operations on transfer of money. It is best to record it somewhere just in case. Note, however, that this information no one, except you should be familiar.
Enter the recovery code. You will need it in case if you forget your payment password. You can also specify the number of your mobile phone. For him, if necessary, will be sent to your billing password. Next, click on "Open an account in Yandex. The money."