Prepare to get acquainted with a new team in advance. On the eve of the first day highlight for this 1-2 hours of free time. Ask relatives and friends not to disturb you. Think about your image: what kind of clothes you wear, what accessories will fit it, you need to take with you (pen, notebook, folder, etc.). All things ought to be humble harmony with each other and meet corporate requirements.
Compose a short story about yourself: age, marital status, where he studied, previous jobs, Hobbies, positive and negative qualities, etc. most Likely, most of the autobiographies you will not be voiced. But having a prepared text, you will not become confused upon hearing the offer to talk about themselves. Rehearse the speech in front of the mirror.
Leave the house early in the morning. The first working late is unacceptable. Go some distance on foot. A vigorous walk in the fresh air will allow you to calm down, gather your thoughts and tune in a positive way.
Before starting, go to the personnel Department. In small organizations, made visits to the new employee directly to the Director. These people will choose the way of presenting you to the team.
Familiarity with the entire team of odnovremennoe arrive at the inauguration of a new leader or in very small companies where communication between members is very close. In this case, the specialist service personnel or head of the organization will call your name, name and patronymic, position, outline your duties and responsibilities.
In large companies all present members of the staff by name you do not represent, as it will take a lot of time. In the process, you yourself will learn the name and patronymic of colleagues. In groups comprising no more than 20 people, you most likely will introduce with each employee personally. Try to remember the names and key responsibilities of colleagues. Later you will learn more about them, now it is important to learn what service issues you will be linked.
Meet the staff of the Department and tour organisatiebureau, this is the most common way of presenting the beginner. Your immediate supervisor will initially tell the team about you, and then will list the names of all Department employees and their duties, will show you the workplace, clarify the priorities. A little later, for example after dinner, you together with the head to visit the neighbouring departments. There Manager will call you and explain on what issues to address in the structural unit of the company.
After the official presentation, you may intend to tell a little about yourself and ask additional questions. Now you will be very useful-rehearsed speech on the eve.
Speak clearly and audibly do not use jargon and local expressions. Answer all the questions correctly, without a hint of ambiguity. Tell me that you have some professional and life experience. Sincerely reassure new colleagues in their loyalty and desire to work for the benefit of the company.
Do not overload your speech too personal details. For example, talking about the family, it is not necessary to list the names and ages of all family members. Just say you're married and bringing up two sons. Don't tire listeners by listing your awards and achievements. In the process, the quality of your professional colleagues will appreciate. Absolutely not to criticize previous work. To the question about the reasons for the dismissal give a neutral response: "I Think that in your company I will be able to realize in full measure".
Be yourself, be confident and friendly. Try to overcome the overflowing emotions. In the speech must not be heard sorry or overly cocky tone. Speak evenly, not too fast and not too quiet. Do not make long pauses to not have the impression that you can't find the suitable words. Smile and joke to the extent that your story was not perceived as something frivolous, unimportant and insignificant.
Familiarization with collectionthe option is undesirable, but possible. If for any reason you are not introduced to the employees of the organization in the first or second day, explore yourself. Start with the Secretary of the supervisor and the workers of neighboring departments. State your name and position, say, that with pleasure will learn a little about what the functions of this division. A good reason for Dating will be a small professional question for which you can refer to colleagues.