You will need
- - needle;
- - a thread;
- thimble;
- - scissors;
- - shoulder straps;
- - jacket;
- - shirt;
- - pliers;
- - tweezers.
When sewing a shoulder strap is usually guided by the requirements of the Statute and the orders of different ranks of troops. If you want to sew the shoulder straps correctly, it is best to consult the commander on the rear and directly from it define the rules sewing the shoulder straps.
Keep in mind that the shirt straps don't sew. They can be mounted using a regular paper clip, threading it through a button in pursuit. Thread the clip through the slits on the shoulder of the shirt and straighten the inside. If sew buttons on a small thread shank, the shoulder straps can be permanently fasten and unfasten (for example, for washing shirts).
Usually the shoulder straps are sewn to form at the shoulder seam (the seam that runs along the shoulder). Shoulder seam – this is not the place where the sleeve is sewn, and a small stitched line that runs from the sleeves to the collar. He shoulder straps are usually sewn one centimeter from the line.
Position the shoulder straps the bottom part to the focus of the transverse seam that connects the sleeve with the shoulder of his jacket. Sew the shoulder straps horizontally on the shoulder. The top edge should be one centimeter to go beyond the cross seam at the top. Between the button and the ring distance should not be less than five millimeters.
Sew the shoulder straps through the line of connection of Kant and the main part. Stitches on top should be very small – not conspicuous and kept a tighter hold.
Slightly bend the outer edge of the fabric shoulder strap that hides its basis. Use boot a needle directly into the holes of the seam. The shoulder straps tight enough, so you will probably need a thimble so as not to chop the fingers.
Check the quality of sewing. Pull the sewn on shoulder straps in different directions. If threads do not crack and do not rush, it's all right. Otherwise, you should repeat the process of sewing, using smaller stitches.
Useful advice
Use tweezers or pliers if the needle firmly stuck in the pursuit, and you can't get it out by hand.