You will need
  • - a sheet of A4 paper;
  • - documents (or copies thereof) attached to the application (the autobiography, the characteristic from work, medical opinion, etc.);
  • - handle.
Issued guardianship over a minor child (under 14 years) or over a person, recognized incapable by court. Candidate guardians strict requirements, the main of which is: to be an adult and capable citizen, have the necessary set of personal and moral qualities which make a guardian. It is desirable to be in kinship with a person, above which issued the guardianship.
If you have the desire and ability to be a guardian then go to the local Department of guardianship. Pre-assemble the necessary package of documents prescribed by law (medical certificate, certificate of lack of criminal record, etc.). There is a write statement with the request to give an opinion on the possibility of becoming a guardian.
Carefully complete the statement. In the upper right corner enter "cap" of the document: who (usually it is the local body of guardianship) it is addressed and by whom (surname, name, patronymic of the candidate for guardian, and address of residence). Just below, write the word "Statement", and describe the nature of the request, specify the person you want to take care of. It is mandatory to notify the reasons in which the person has lost capacity.
At the bottom of the application select desired applications, for example: a copy of the court decision on recognition of the person incapacitated, the characteristics of your previous jobs, recommendations of the Commission on guardianship and others. Below put his signature and the date of the application.
The guardianship authorities within a period not exceeding one month will prepare the conclusion about the possibility of becoming a Trustee or the refusal to guardianship. To do this, they carefully studied the personal qualities of people who have expressed a desire to become guardians of, their living conditions, their motives and much more. If the guardianship no complaints and the reasons for refusal, the citizen receives the right to be a guardian.