You will need
- documents appointed and removed from office of Directors;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - forms of the relevant documents;
- - The labour Code of the Russian Federation.
If the CEO decided to resign, he should write a letter addressed to the founders (the sole member) of the firm. It should be sent to the legal address of the company for the month before the intended date of dismissal. During this period, the parties should take this fact on the agenda of the constituent Assembly. Its decision on the dismissal of old Directors and the appointment of another individual to the Board of founders must record in the minutes signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the constituent Assembly.
When shareholders decide to terminate with the Director of the employment contract early, they need to make a Protocol of removing him from his post and warn him about a month before the expected date. They need to appoint another natural person as the sole Executive body.
After the procedure for the dismissal of the old Director and appointing another in his place the head necessary to carry out the handover of cases. To fix this fact should be in the form of the act. It should include personal data of both Directors (new and old). The act of acceptance-transfer of cases prescribes a list of statutory documents, accounting and tax documentation, fixed the fact of transfer of the printing company. It should be applied a register of all documents, register of observations on the financial statements, register missing documents (in the case of the company audit). You must assure this act signatures impeached and appointed Directors, the seal of the company.
The Director of lay authority action on behalf of the company without power of attorney. After the act, both Directors must fill in an application form р14001. Dismissed specifies the desired data on the sheet S of the form and puts a check at the point of removing the powers assigned to the head – in the laying thereof.