Don't be vindictive. Everyone knows the saying "let bygones...". So in family life it does not work. No need to accumulate a resentment, unspoken accusations. This is the past. If you want to speak in the same moment in which you have offended – go for it, but if you have not found the right answer, there is nothing to quarrel and be angry.

Don't blame. Ah, what a sweet weapon – guilt. But don't overdo it. If you constantly trigger this feeling in a husband or children, you will never come to a common denominator. And the loss of confidence in their own strength even stronger, you will divide.

Do not insult. When a person is angry he does not know what he was doing. During quarrel the words pour this rambling thread, which has a place for everything. Learn to tell yourself "Stop!", because insults, said hot, able to destroy the strong and durable Union.

Know the measure. At the end of every business person wants to obtain the result. Similarly during an argument. Remember, what you want to come. Don't argue for fun, argue for the sake of the goal that was outlined.

Install the border. Never in my life take out your family squabbles. Nobody, neither the neighbours nor relatives, nor friends shall not know what's going on in your family. Everything has to be sealed with seven seals, and your language, too. People COO like birds, even if offended. And already at home to give vent to their emotions. And don't forget about the best reconciliation after a quarrel!