The most common problem is salt stains on suede shoes with a light color. They are especially visible on shoes and boots dark colored.
If you do not wish to have such stains spoil the appearance of your shoes, the first thing you need to remember and do before each exit to the street is to handle products with water-repellent spray can be purchased in almost any store).
If favourite shoes still got minor salt stains, to get rid of them fairly quickly and easily.
The first thing you need product is thoroughly cleaned with a special brush from dirt, then soak it in a solution of vinegar and again to clean, paying special attention to the spots.
After the procedure of the shoes should be allowed to dry, then treated with special means for suede. After it dries again go brush gently to raise NAP.
From persistent salt stains to get rid of difficult, but still possible if you try. So, to clean your suede shoes you will need:
- sponge;
- detergent (neutral);
- means for suede (clean);
- ammonia;
The first step is to thoroughly wash the shoes (of course, avoiding getting water inside), then dry it, the product is pre-filled with crumpled paper.
After the procedure, lubricate the place with salt stains with a solution of ammonia and water (1 part ammonia to 5 parts water). Leave for 15 minutes, then wipe with a damp sponge.
After the shoes dry, you need to give it a proper look with the help of special aerosols.