Weight measurements in children of the individual, but there are certain average values, focusing on that, the pediatricians make a conclusion about the growth of every child. Be aware that approximately 10% of children do not fit into the existing framework of the development. For weight these kids have to watch more carefully.

The basic parameters of height and weight

Newborn baby in the second month of life it develops very rapidly. Normal is the regular increase in weight from 600 g to 1200 g monthly, on average, children should weigh 800 grams more than in the previous month. During the same period, the infant will grow by 3-4 cm.

Near the average weight is interval, estimated by experts is a normal variant: the weight of the baby can be both below and above the average. In determining the limits of the interval are taken into account gender, height and weight of the baby at birth, as well as the health of the child.

Girls usually weigh less than boys. In 2-month-old babies of either sex in weight needs to be 5.1 to 5.6 kg. is Very low is considered an indicator of weight in the 3.4-3.8 kg, the lowest is 3.9-4.3 kg, below the average of 4.5 to 4.9 kg. Very high weight – 7,5-8 kg, high – and 6.6-7.1 kg, above the average of 5.8 to 6.3 kg.

The lowest figures are for children born earlier than scheduled. Highest in children born weighing 4 to 5.5 kg. Is that 2 months in lean children are gaining weight, adding 1.5-1.7 kg, and large, on the contrary, losing him, getting a raise only 200-400 g.

How to bring the baby's weight to the recommended values

To normalize the child's weight, you need to adjust his food. Pediatricians recommend 2 month old babies breastfeeding at intervals of about 3-4 hours, when it should be at least six feedings a day. Night break in feeding could be up to 6 hours. When artificial feeding children fed with formula milk according to the following scheme: in the beginning of the second month the child would need to eat 80 ml for 1 admission, gradually by the end of the month, the number was adjusted to 120 ml-150 ml.

From the first to the third months of life, babies eat irregularly, and often, and seldom at night, hence the fluctuations in weight. However, the child needs to eat up to 900 ml of milk a day. During the first 6 weeks the baby can feed on demand, not adhering to a particular schedule. But, in the future, it is necessary to develop a diet and strictly abide by it.

For children feeding on breast milk, feeding should occur within the specified time, allowable deviation from the schedule – no more than 15 minutes, when artificial feeding – no more than half an hour.