A similar color scheme. Red shade of hair – bright by itself. To create a casual or business style, you can use variations of this hue. Golden, caramel, dark beige, brown, amber outfits can perfectly complement the image of red-haired ladies. They also include many shades of yellow color, which the owners of other hair colors is rare. Red to red tone in question. Close to the copper and orange tones can look gorgeous with any shade of hair. And the bright red color is to choose only those ladies who have dark or tanned skin type of the person.
Bright colors. Contrary to what some stylists that bright-coloured red should be avoided, it is not so. There are at least several options saturated colors that will go with copper or light red hair color. Dark blue color is almost all girls. It looks elegant and noble, suitable for major events: summits or business meetings. Almost all shades of green will also be relevant: from turquoise and emerald green to bright light green. This is especially true of ladies with green eyes. Monochromatic outfits of this color creates a mystical and mysterious way. A summer dress or sundress with green print can be used with a boho or ethnic style. Burgundy, cherry tones and their variations can also be an interesting option for red-haired ladies. As for the bright purple and violet tones, they need to be careful. Some stylists do not recommend them in any shade of red hair color, and some elite clubs and establishments, a combination of purple and red are in the stop list that contains a list of violations of the dress code.
Bright and pastel shades. As a rule, the red ladies are a pastel colors: beige, cream, light cognac, olive, or pale green. Unsaturated variations of suitable red-haired girls in bright colours are also quite acceptable. Pale yellow, pale red or pale blue shades can make you the hottie of day get-togethers. In some cases they will be appropriate for evening outs.
Black and grey color. These shades are almost everyone, and red ladies is no exception. This is a classic, neutral tones that will help striking a woman in any situation. In addition, the outfits of these colours will help you to focus on hair color that can be a very original solution. After all, redheads girls less than brunettes and blondes.