What plants to plant along the fence

Because trees and shrubs can have quite an extensive root system, between them and the fence need to keep an appropriate distance. Otherwise, the roots can damage the Foundation of the fence. For trees the right distance to the fence is 3 to 5 meters. For shrubs from one to five feet.

Plants can also form a hedge. Very well suited for these purposes and lilac, thuja, and hydrangea. Also popular dogwood. This small, three meters in height, the shrub has broad leaves with pointed tip. Dark green in summer, and by autumn they become red with a purple hue. Small white blossoms are replaced in early autumn berries.

Deren perfectly formed. It is easy to cut. A low, dense hedge of turf perfectly protect from road dust. If close to land low conifers, it will create a good composition.

Another popular herb that is used in the design of the fence-area, - barberry Thunberg. It grows in low, from 70 to 90 cm, in dense globular bushes. Leaves with a matte sheen, in autumn are red or yellow. Unfortunately, flowering is not very noticeable because it lasts no more than 20 days. The most popular varieties of barberry are simple to location. But it is better to choose for these shrubs in open, Sunny places. Predominantly from the South or West side. Barberry Theberge not tolerate the cold wind. Since it is quite indifferent to the glaze, it will be sufficient natural precipitation. Of course, if the summer was dry.

It is important to remember that the attitude to humidity and soil composition all plants have different. This should be considered when joint plantings. So, Derain, prefers well-moistened soil, unlikely to reach a good decoration next to the barberry.

We must not forget about the grapes and other vines. For them more suitable climate. However, there are varieties of extremely decorative. For example, parthenocissus (English). Very successful with its help you can decorate mesh fences. Becomes the most beautiful colors of the leaves with the first frost. Then they turn purple, sometimes purple hues. The plant survives in any soil, hardy to drought. Can develop on the sand and in loam.

How to care for trees and shrubs

Usually plants along the fence are planted in one row. The depth of the trench for planting should be about two feet. If the fence is low, it is better to plant trees along it. They are not only visually lengthen it, but make it more reliable. Before you start mowing, you must wait for the moment when the crowns of adjacent trees will close. The easiest way to cut the lime and elm. Although in most cases it is necessary to apply for this to the professionals.

If you want to plant several rows of trees, it is better to use a combination of softwood and hardwood. Higher would look better in the background. Deciduous trees planted in this case, in the first row. Well, if they have the patchy foliage. These include willow and birch.

A good option - hawthorn, chokeberry, and viburnum. They can be combined with shrubs, planting small groups. For such ensembles suitable as lilac and elder. The latter can be planted separately. Because of its short stature, this tree will adorn the low fence. Elderberry is absolutely undemanding to the soil, though light. Can grow even without care and within three years, thus giving the lush blossoms and fruit. As the leaves and berries of this plant are used in phytotherapy.

Fences can also be decorated annual plants. Black beans, sweet peas are not fussy and will quickly rush up. Sweet peas in the garden will bloom first in may and finishes flowering one from last fall. This is a rather cold-resistant plant. Most abundant flowering occurs in well-warmed sun.

In addition to the desire to obtain aesthetic enjoyment from the daily contemplation of trees and shrubs, planting along the fence has a practical side. It can help, for example, to hide the flaws of the fence. And to isolate the area from prying eyes. Given the nature of the soil and the location of the site and the compatibility of individual trees and shrubs, you can do it quite successfully.