Undo and redo changes in Adobe Illustrator

The commands Undo and Redo allow you to undo and redo their actions, correcting errors in the process. You can undo or redo changes even after a document is saved (but not after? as you closed and re-opened the document).

To cancel, select in menu Edit > Undo, repeat, select Edit > Redo.

Also you can get the file to the last saved version by choosing File > Revert. This action cannot be accomplished if you closed and opened the document again? and this action cannot be undone.

Automating tasks

Graphic design is characterized by creativity, but there's a repetitive action that can be exhausting – placing and replacing images, correcting errors, and preparing files for printing or posting on the Internet.

Adobe Illustrator provides various ways to automate repetitive actions, saving more time for the creative aspects of your work.

Panel Actions (Window > Actions) contains a variety of tasks recorded during the operations in Adobe Illustrator – menu commands, tool options, object selection, and so on. When you lose the action, Adobe Illustrator plays all recorded in it.

Adobe Illustrator provides przepisanie steps to help you when performing the most common tasks. These actions are installed as a standard set in the Actions pane when you install the program.

Scripts is a set of commands that instruct the computer to perform a certain sequence of actions. Adobe Illustrator provides you with standard scripts that will help you when performing common tasks. You can access them from the menu File > Scripts.