Pie with Ricotta cheese and sun-dried tomatoes

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:
- 500 g puff pastry;
- 10 dried tomatoes;
- 500 g Ricotta cheese;
fresh herbs to taste;
- 200 g of sour cream;
- salt and black pepper to taste.

Crumble the ricotta in a bowl, add sour cream, salt and pepper to taste, mix thoroughly to a uniform consistency. Add to the stuffing chopped fresh herbs and sliced tomatoes. Roll out the puff pastry and divide into two layers. Place the first in a refractory form, not forgetting to leave the boards. Put on the dough all the stuffing and cover with second layer of dough. Zasypnica edges and brush top of dough with beaten egg. Bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200oC.

Appetizer with Ricotta cheese

- 500 Ricotta cheese;
- 50 g Parmesan cheese;
- 100 g of spinach;
- the egg;
- 1 chili pepper;
- baguette;
- olive oil;
- salt to taste.

Baguette cut into slices of equal thickness, and fry them in a little olive oil. Mix ricotta with grated Parmesan, shredded pepper, spinach and egg. Add salt and pepper to taste. Toasted pieces of baguette, lay on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. On each put a spoonful of cheese mixture. Place baking sheet in the oven and bake the sandwiches for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180oC. Serve as a snack with white wine.

Shells stuffed with Ricotta and herbs

To prepare the stuffed shells should:
- 20 shells;
- 100 g Ricotta cheese;
- 100 g of cottage cheese;
- 1 tablespoon Basil;
- 80 g Parmesan cheese;
- 2 cups cream;
- 1 tablespoon of flour;
- butter;
- salt to taste.

Boil shells in salted water until soft. Then carefully remove and cool slightly. Prepare the stuffing by mixing the Ricotta, cheese, salt and chopped Basil. Nafarshiruyte stuffed shells and put them in a fireproof dish with sides. In butter, fry the flour for a minute, add the warm cream and simmer for 3 minutes over low heat. Pour over stuffed shells with sauce and place in a preheated 200oC oven for 15 minutes. Then remove, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and bake for another 5 minutes.

Salad with Ricotta cheese

- 100 g Ricotta cheese;
- 1 fennel;
- 1 shallot;
- 200 g arugula;
- the juice of ½ lemon;
2 tbsp olive oil;
- salt and ground black pepper.

Shallots, chop, pour lemon juice and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Fennel peel and core, cut into thin slices. Mix in a bowl the arugula and fennel, pour over the dressing and garnish with slices of Ricotta.