Download video wasn't easy

A few years ago to listen to music or watch videos in a social network "Vkontakte" was only possible on the page that gave users a lot of inconvenience. After all, many would like to throw favorite songs and videos on your computer, phone and enjoy them without being online.

That's why the network began to appear different apps and programs, which supposedly could be downloaded from "Vkontakte" any of the songs and movies. But to take advantage of this opportunity, you often had to pay a certain sum of money. Moreover, very often such programs are hiding different kinds of viruses, which often steal the personal data of users of the site, their username and password.

VKMusic 4 to help those who "Vkontakte"

Later appeared the official app for downloading music and videos from Vkontakte. One of these programs - VKMusic 4, a small but highly functional, the so-called two-in-one. With its help you can save to your computer as music and video files. To work with it, you only need to install the software on computer and run it when you decide to download a video from "Vkontakte".

Then in the program window displayed in the tooltip, which you can learn how to download music and video from how to download video links and other useful information. If you need additional information and advice, close this window and go to the main menu.

In the top toolbar is the "Fix" in the pop-up window where you can start all available at the website of injection, to suspend them, rename them, copy the links and URLS. In the menu "Vkontakte" available sections: "My music", "audio recordings of friends/groups", "music Recommendation", "Popular music", "My videos", "Videos of friends/groups", "Download photo album from contact", "Download photos with me and others.

To record video you will need points to "My videos" or "Videos of friends/groups", depending on where the required videos. Select the section you want, and the program will automatically find all the available clips. Select the videos (use the mouse and Shift key on the keyboard) and click the located to the left of the list click "add to download".

Then specify the folder in which to save the video file, and click "Accept". Now it remains only to choose the quality and format of saved file (you can use the button "Choose best") and wait for process to finish the download.

Also, the program can add links to videos that you want to save to your computer.