The symbol of the fifth anniversary of the marriage tree. Coming to this point, the couple usually already have built a house, established a life, had children. Tree perfectly characterizes the relationship of husband and wife is stronger than cotton, linen or paper, but susceptible to fire family quarrels. In addition, this material is warm, cozy, simple, but solid was used to warm the family hearth and create a roof over your head. So in celebration of this event, a significant role should be assigned to the tree.
Traditions require wood to celebrate the wedding with relatives or alone. Often, but today I want to share this joy with close friends. Decide how many guests you want to invite to such an event. This will depend on the nature of the holiday. But remember that noisy parties are not suitable for a wooden wedding, as patron of the fifth anniversary is Saturn, symbolizing stability and limitations.
Select a suitable location. On this day, it is advisable to create a romantic and intimate atmosphere. A wooden hut – a traditional place of celebration of the fifth anniversary. Very convenient if you have a cottage or a house in the village. Perfect restaurant interior is done in wood or in ethnic style. You can arrange a holiday in nature, weather permitting: for example, to organize a picnic in the woods with lots of vegetables and fruits instead of alcohol and hearty meals. If you decide to celebrate the anniversary together, consider a romantic walk in the Park or a hike in the Botanical garden. But you can celebrate at home, in this case, decorate the interior of wooden objects (spoons, dolls, boxes, hand-painted boards).
Before entering the house or other place where a wooden wedding, put a potted tree, large plant or branch. In nature, select a beautiful small tree. It is a symbol of the "tree of happiness". Guests at the entrance should tie on a bright ribbon, attach the cards with wishes of happiness spouses.
Consider the scenario of the holiday, it should be associated with Russian folk traditions and wooden theme of your event. For example, you can arrange a game: moderator chooses one guest, calls him some wood, which the player has to portray without words. The others guess first guess becomes the master. In games and contests, you can use acorns and pinecones.
There is a good tradition on the fifth wedding anniversary is to plant a sapling. In the past this day the couple together chose fruit seedling, planted it near the house and tied a red ribbon that can be removed after a year. When grown children appeared first fruits, and by that time, as there was grandchildren, the tree with its shadow to cover the entire family. If you have the opportunity, follow this custom. But you can limit buying potted tree, suitable plants such as ficus benjamina, geptapleurum, bonsai, jade tree, schefflera.
Wooden wedding spouses usually give gifts of wood. It is desirable only to avoid items that can have hidden meaning: rolling pins, bats, canes. You can also select gifts for health: massager, water filter, inhaler. The husband and wife present each other gifts. By tradition the husband he carved from wood useful things: spoons, boards, frames, and the wife did a wreath of oak leaves and put on the head of the wife.