How many calories in a Cup of coffee?
Coffee beans are rich in essential oils, enzymes, fats, carbohydrates. Once coffee beans are roasted, the fat level in them is reduced, and the amount of carbs and protein slightly changes. As a result of their nutritional and energy value tends to zero.
Adding sugar in my coffee or honey, many people are not even aware of how rapidly this increases the energy value of their product.
Consider the following: the longer the water will be in close contact with the coffee powder, and the smaller the amount of water on one Cup of coffee, the calorie content of the drink above. For example:
- a Cup of espresso contains only 1-2 calories;
- double espresso - 4 calories;
- 250 ml of coffee contains 2 calories;
100 ml Turkish coffee – 12 calories;
- cappuccino – 75 calories;
- like, frappuccino's – 215 calories;
- mokka – 165 calories.
Fat from coffee?
It should be noted that coffee is one of the components of different diets for weight loss. This drink contains a small amount of calories, speeds up metabolism, contributing to weight loss. But do not forget that a few cups of coffee a day can amount to calorie dense enough for dinner. Whence arises this strange contradiction?
The thing is, what are you drinking this drink. Some prefer freshly brewed coffee without adding milk and sugar, some add a slice of lemon, and some people "soften" coffee with honey and cream. Because of this the calorie content of this drink varies in very wide limits.
Most people like to drink a Cup of coffee and a pastry, sandwich or with biscuits. All this only adds nutritional value, and in several times.
Take note of the calorie content of components that are usually added to your coffee:
1 tsp white refined sugar contains 25 calories;
1 teaspoon unrefined brown cane sugar – 15 calories;
- 1 tsp honey – 67 calories;
- 50 ml of whole (fat) milk 24 calories;
50 ml skim milk – 15 calories;
- 1 tbsp liquid dairy creamer – 20 calories;
- 1 tbsp fat whipped cream – 50 calories;
1 tsp. liquid vegetable cream – 15 calories;
- 2 tsp cream – 30-45 calories.
Thus, it is possible to summarize that if you want to lose weight, you can drink only black coffee without adding cream and sugar, in reasonable amounts. Well, if you want to tone your body and gain the missing weight, it is advisable to drink high-calorie beverages - for example, cappuccino, latte, like, frappuccino's. In addition, you can allow yourself a sweet dessert.