Rats breed very fast all year round, but because they need immediate relief, otherwise the rodent will take a lot of effort, time and money. In addition, rats can reach a large size, an adult male may be the size of a cat. Their sharp teeth are able to cut not only thick walls, but also iron.

Despite the fact that rats readily eat anything that comes their way, they are very shrewd rodents and instinctively feel the poison. So often the chemicals to combat rodents do not have the desired effect. This comes from the fact that rats simply do not eat poisonous substances.
Interesting fact: rats in your squad always have a rogue, which in case of danger or force sent forward to try the food. If the food is poisoned, and rogue will die, rats to her touch.


But do not despair, because to defeat the rodents. If you find rats at home, start with devices that repel rodents or traps for rats. The repellents for rats are safe for humans, they send out ultrasonic pulses, which perceives only the rat's ear, after which the rodents away. Traps or rat traps to catch rodents and lock them inside the mechanism. Caught rodents can simply be discarded.

The destruction of rats.

Bring the rats and traditional methods. Places where there are rodents, you need to sprinkle ashes. As you know, rats can't stand it and go away. If this does not work, then you can use a special recipe. Plaster and flour, combined in equal proportions, make a small handful, and put a saucer with water. The rats, after eating this mixture, and being thirsty, wants to drink. After some amount of time, the plaster hardens in the stomach of the rodent, and he will die.

There are plants that rats can't stand. These include dried chamomile, fresh burdock, tansy, and the stems and seeds of the weed called green hound. The smells of these herbs are able to banish the rats from the house and from the garden.

Rats afraid of snakes. This is a natural confrontation can be used at home, just get a hissing reptile or rent for a week. Snake do not have to crawl throughout the house, put the terrarium in the middle of the kitchen, and that will be enough.


To avoid the appearance of rats in the house or apartment, it is necessary to keep the house clean and tidy. Also, do not store large stocks of cereals for a long time, all perishable foods should keep in the refrigerator. At detection of cracks in the walls, it should be immediately repaired.
Rats are incredibly intelligent. They are able to remember the place where they drove, and return at a later time.

Pay attention to the fact that rats often come after the mice, so the grass and expel uninvited guests, without waiting for the emergence of new.

If near your house is a restaurant or dining room, most likely without deratization you can not do. The fact is that rats from the food just will not go away, will require serious and systematic work on getting rid of them.