To determine the sex of immature carp almost impossible. Upon reaching puberty, you may notice that the males behind females in growth, almost by half. Their body is more elongated and thin. When carp spawn, neck, cheeks, Gill covers and front fins of the males can be whitish warts. This kind of natural decoration during the spawning period.

In flocks of carp the number of males over females have always dominated the half, if not more. This is due to the particular structure of eggs from all kinds of carp fish. There are other differences between carp males from females. Look at the specimens of these fish to spawn. Females of carp sex hole is clearly greater. It is rounder than males, with a pronounced red tint. The belly in females is enlarged, soft. If you just press lightly in the period of spawning carp, the male in the abdomen to stand out a small amount of milk or a whitish liquid.

The pectoral (front) fins of the male are more sharp compared to the rounded and smaller fins of the female. If you touch your finger to the Gill cover of the fish, then the males they are rough, like sandpaper. Of females is they are smooth, covered with slime.

Males and females of common carp have different the anus. In males it is extended from the head toward the tail and is a triangular crease. In females it is oval-elongated. The eggs in females of carp when pressing on the abdomen is not allocated, as many other species of fish until it Matures.

Both representatives of the carp family, and male and female, distinguished by a thick body, moderately long with large scales, which fits tightly on the skin. The head of the carp is large, lips well developed. The upper lip is provided with a pair of short antennae. The fin on the back is long, the anal fin is always short. Side of fish Golden brown, the back is dark. But the color of carp depending upon where the fish lives, can change to be darker, or Vice versa, light.

Sexual maturity male carp reaches in 2-3 years, females 3-5 years. Most often puberty occurs in males in their third year, females on the fourth.