At the beginning of any consideration of the case the magistrate is obliged to ask you whether you trust him or their interests. However, even if you say no, it will not be grounds for recusal. To file a complaint on the judge, you can only if you are sure that it provides enough discourteous actions towards you.
The withdrawal must be motivated, that's why the statement should be "iron" arguments. It should be borne in mind that the new worker the courts may be even worse than before. First you demonstrate the disqualification to the judge, he must decide whether there are grounds for it or not.
If your justice of the peace refuses to give yourself a challenge, you can apply to the qualifying Collegium of judges in your area. However, the appeal in this instance is possible only in case if violations made by your judge, are quite serious in nature. In the absence of any response you have the right to file a complaint with the High qualification Board of judges, which is located in the capital.
It so happens that the magistrate is a professional, but rude as the last vendor at the market. In this case, you can visit the Chairman of the district court, the competence of which the activities of the magistrate. At your request erring employee of the court receives an official warning that his activities may be subject to scrutiny.
There is another option – to complain about the judge to the press. Enough to invite a journalist to a hearing on your case if he will indeed find that the conduct of the magistrate is not consistent with the existing regulations, he will write the corresponding report. After the article the judge's actions can be reviewed by regulatory authorities.